Caution – Aqua-Pure ASB1001 User Manual
Page 13

Failure to follow installation, operation, and maintenance instructions may result in property damage due to water leakage and will void warranty.
1) At least once every six (6) months you should test your water both before and after the arsenic reduction system for both arsenite (AS III) and arsenate
(AS V). This can be accomplished by using an arsenic test kit sold as an accessory by 3M Purifi cation Inc. as part number ARS-TEST — or a sample of
your water may be taken to a qualifi ed lab for analysis. Both a before and an after water sample is needed to check the performance of the fi lter. If the
results are above the US EPA limit of 10 ppb, contact the installing contractor, as servicing of this product may be necessary.
2) Check the “time of day” setting on the time clock of the control valve frequently. Correct if necessary, follow the steps on “HOW TO SET TIME OF DAY”
in Section 2 of manual.
3) As the arsenic reduction system becomes saturated with arsenic, both arsenite (AS III) and arsenate (AS V), reduction effi ciency is reduced and the tita-
nium oxide will need to be changed out. It may require a qualifi ed service company to change out the titanium oxide. Please contact the contractor who
installed the system for help in changing out. The following items are required to properly change out the titanium oxide in this fi lter.
Gravel and Titanium Oxide Schedule
Unit Model Number
Titanium Oxide Filter Media
TO-10B (1)
TO-10B (2)
TO-10B (3)
QC gravel
QC-12P (1)
QC-15P (1)
QC-18P (1)
QF gravel
QF-7 (1)
QF-7 (1)
QF-7 (2)
To reduce the risk associated with skin, eye, and respiratory tract irritation from dust from fi lter media during installation:
• Titanium oxide granules and two grades of gravel are used for fi lter media in this product. During installation, dust may cause irritation to skin, eyes, and respira-
tory tract, and may affect lungs.
• Utilize a NIOSH-approved dust fi lter mask, protective gloves, and appropriate eye protection when handling and pouring gravel and fi lter media.
• To request an MSDS relating to the media included with this product, call 203-238-8965 or go to, select country, and use the search engine to
search MSDS. For emergencies, call 800-364-3577 or 651-737-6501 (24 hours).
4) The following procedures will describe how to replace the exhausted titanium oxide with new titanium oxide.
a. Shut off the fl ow of water to the fi lter system by rotating the bypass knobs to the bypass position as shown in Figure 2 in section 2. Manually initiate
a REGEN to relieve the water pressure in the arsenic reduction system. The display will read C1 to indicate that the control valve is in the backwash
position. Once the valve motor stops, unplug the cord from the electrical outlet.
Separate the bypass from the control valve by unscrewing the retaining nuts and pulling the bypass valve assembly away from the control valve.
Remove the retaining clip holding the drain line fl ow control elbow in the control valve body, pull up on the elbow to remove and secure to prevent
damage to the drain line and elbow. Remove the control valve by rotating the valve head assembly to the left or counter-clockwise and set aside to
reassemble after media is loaded into the tank.
Using a 1/2” fl exible tube, insert it to the bottom of the distributor tube and siphon out the water from the media tank to lighten the weight of the
media tank to aid in handling. Care should be taken in handling as the unit could weigh 200 pounds. Once the water is removed from the tank,
dump the spent titanium oxide and gravel into pails or plastic bags. Dispose of in accordance with state and local regulations.
Wash out the media tank with water and inspect for any remaining media, gravel or damage to any components. Any fi nes that are lodged in the
slots of the distributor basket need to be washed out. To aid in the process, you can loosen the screw on the bottom of the basket assembly and
gently tap to remove, retighten the screws when completed. At this time, you can disinfect your media tank and distributor tube with a 1/2 cup of
unscented household laundry bleach and fi ll the remainder of the media tank with water and let stand for 20 minutes. Discard the water when the
time period has been reached.
Ensure the distributor tube is free from gravel and media and insert into the media tank. The tube needs to be placed in the center of the media tank
at the bottom; a dimple is usually present to help in this step. Using the tube extension device and red cap, cover the distributor tube to prevent any
gravel or titanium oxide from entering the tube during the reloading of the media tank.
Using the funnel provided, place in the opening of the media tank to aid in loading the gravel and titanium oxide. Pour the QC gravel into the media
tank slowly. While holding the distributor tube in place shake the media tank from side to side gently, to aid in leveling the QC gravel. Pour the QF
gravel slowly into the media tank, while holding the distributor gently shake the media tank from side to side to evenly distribute the fi lter gravel in
the media tank. Lastly, locate the titanium oxide and slowly pour into the media tank, again gently shake the media tank from side to side to level
out the titanium oxide while holding the distributor tube to prevent it from lifting or moving. Next, using a hose or clean pail, fi ll the media tank with
water to saturate the titanium oxide and expel air within the titanium oxide and media tank. Remove the tube extension device and funnel from the
media tank opening, saving for future service or maintenance of the arsenic reduction system.
g. Using a dry rag, clean the opening of the media tank to remove any dust or residue from the opening to receive the control valve. Using lubricant
provided, apply to the tank and control valve o-rings that seal against the media tank and the distributor tube in the center of the control valve. Place
the center of the control valve over the distributor tube and slide down until it contacts the media tank. Secure the control valve onto the media tank.
Insert the distributor tube into the pilot tube adapter and screw the control valve down until the valve is fl ush with the opening of the media tank.
If pinching or rolling of the o-ring occurs, remove the control valve and try again. Attach the bypass assembly and connection fi tting to the control
valve and hand tighten only.