4 command usage – SENA LS100 User Manual
Page 15

Run a telnet program or a program that supports telnet functions such as TeraTerm-Pro or
The target IP address and the port number should be those of the LS100. If
required, specify the port number as 23. Type the following command in the command line
interface of your computer.
Or run a telnet program with parameters as follows.
Figure 2-8 Telnet program set up example
The user has to log into the LS100. Type the user name and password. A factory default
setting of the user name and password are both admin.
If the user logged into the LS100 successfully, the same command prompt screen as the one
of serial console will be displayed. The user can set, get, save configuration parameters and
exit console, reboot the device as like the serial console.
If serial console or the other remote consoles are connected already, new console will not be
established at all.
2.4 Command Usage
The LS100 provides several simple commands for configuration and control of the LS100. Table 2-2
summarizes command set which LS100 supports.
Table 2-2 LS100 command set summary
set group par1 [par2 ...] +
Set configuration parameters
- group = 'ip', 'host', 'serial' or 'admin'
- par1 ... = configuration parameters. Use * to
keep a parameter's value
If success,
“OK” +
If error