Neutrik BNC Connectors User Manual

Page 5

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F e a t u r e s & B e n e f i t s

r e a r T W I S T C a b l e C o n n e c t o r s

r e a r T W I S T C a b l e C o n n e c t o r s

Screen and cable jacket crimp instead of screen crimp only.

Grooved inner surface holds the cable jacket to prevent tearing braids.

rearTWIST boot for easy access

in high density applications.

Leading area: Avoids tilting due to side forces to

protect the contacts from deformation. Guarantees
a lifetime of min. 1`000 mating cycles!

Gold plated ground contact with improved

shielding effectiveness optimized for high
frequency HDTV signal up to 4.5 GHz.

Other BNC

Neutrik BNC:
no tilting due to side pull