Gastritis – 3B Scientific Stomach with Ulcers User Manual
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This model shows a longitudinal section of the stomach with the attachments of esophagus and duode-
num. The various stages of gastritis and ulcer are depicted.
Longitudinal section of stomach, enlarged approx. 0.5 times:
1. Erythematous gastritis
Irritated mucosa is reddened and swollen in the area of the antrum
2. Erosive gastritis
Initial mucosal defects above the lamina muscularis mucosae
3. Hemorrhagic gastritis
Acute erosive gastritis with bleeding
4. Healing stage and scar formation
Contraction of the mucosa
5. Atrophic gastritis
Chronic course with mucosal atrophy
6. Hypertrophic gastritis
Enlargement of the gastric folds
7. Bleeding ulcer
Bleeding mucosal defect with marginal elevation, extending beyond the lamina muscularis mucosae
8. Perforated ulcer
All layers of the stomach wall are eroded
Mucosa relief on base, enlarged approx. 10 times:
1. Healthy mucosa relief
2. Acute gastritis with reddened and swollen mucosa
3. Erosive gastritis with mucosal defect
4. Bleeding ulcer, muscularis mucosae is eroded
5. Perforated ulcer, all stomach layers are eroded
Layers of the stomach wall:
6. Tunica mucosa (mucosa of stomach)
7. Lamina muscularis mucosae (thin layer of smooth muscle cells)
8. Tela submucosa (connective tissue layer)
9. Tunica muscularis (circular muscle layer)
10. Tunica muscularis (longitudinal muscle layer)
11. Tunica serosa (outer skin)