Human cell structure – 3B Scientific Human Cell Structure Chart User Manual

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Human Cell Structure


The cell is the smallest viable structural and functional unit of the multicellular organism. While the size
and shape of cells may vary widely, their underlying structural pattern, required for the performance of
vital processes, is based on characteristics which they all have in common. Eukaryont cells have a nucleus.
The cell is enclosed by a membrane (cell membrane, plasma membrane). The space between nucleus and
cell membrane is filled with cell sap (hyaloplasm) interspersed with a continuous membrane-enclosed
reticulum (endoplasmic reticulum); the hyaloplasm also contains different organelles (mitochondria, ribo-
somes, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, centrioles). These organelles form the structural basis for the numerous
and manifold coordinated metabolie processes in the cell. The organelles, on the one hand, spatially
separate the individual metabolie reactions, reaction chains, enzymes, substrates and metabolins, and on
the other hand, bring them together in a purposeful way. Each organelle and its constituent parts perform
certain functions in the cell which are linked to characteristic structures (unity of morphological structure
and biochemical function).

1 Cell membrane
2 Nucleus Size: 0.5 - 500 µm
3 Nuclear membrane Thickness: about 80 Å
4 Pores of the nuclear membrane Diametre: 300 -1 000 Å
5 Nucleoles

Size normally < 1 µm

6 Perinuclear spaces
7 Mitochondria Length: 0.5 - 5 µm

Width: 0.1 - 1 µm

8 Outer membrane of mitochondria
9 Inner membrane of mitochondria
10 Outer matrix of mitochondria
11 Inner matrix of mitochondria
12 Granules in the inner membrane of the matrix

Size: 250 - 300 Å

13 Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) (smooth-surfaced, agranulate type)
14 Ergastoplasm (rough-surfaced, granulate variant of the ER)
15 Ribosomes (monomeric ribosomes)
16 Polysomes
17 Golgi apparatus (Golgi complex)
18 Golgi lamellae
19 Golgi vesicles
20 Golgi vacuoles
21 Lysosomes
22 Phagocytosis
23 Pinocytosis
24 Heterophagosome (when destroying foreign bodies)

(Autophagosome, when destroying damaged organelles of the cell)

25 Primary lysosomes
26 Heterophagic vacuole (Autophagic vacuole, when digesting bodies from within the cell)
27 Dense body
28 Residual body
29 Excretion
30 Centrioles

Length: about 150 nm

Diametre: 300-350 nm

31 Bundle with three fibrils
32 Pedicular umbonate structures
33 Centrosome

Diametre: 250 - 300 Е