3B Scientific Magdeburg Hemispheres User Manual

Page 2

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• Connect the hemisphere with stopcock to a pump

and open the valve.

• Place the second hemisphere on the first one and

press the two of together.

• A second person starts the evacuation process.

• After a short time (depending on the pump’s pump-

ing power) stop the pump, close the stopcock and
loosen the hose connection.

• Demonstrate the effect of atmospheric pressure by

trying to pull the hemispheres apart.

• After completing the experiment ventilate the sphere

by opening the valve. Make sure you hold on to the
hemispheres to avoid any damage from them falling

Additionally required:
1 Vacuum pump (e.g. vacuum hand-operated pump

3B Scientific GmbH • Rudorffweg 8 • 21031 Hamburg • Germany • • Technical amendments are possible