3B Scientific Air Flow Apparatus User Manual

3b scientific® physics

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Air flow apparatus 8404300

Instruction sheet

08/06 SP

1 Aerodynamic bodies
2 Glass plates
3 Woollen threads
4 Air chamber
5 Air inlet

1. Description

The air flow apparatus is used to demonstrate air
flow patterns for objects of different shapes. The
flow patterns can be projected onto a wide screen
with an overhead projector.

26 woollen threads fastened at their ends at an
equal distance from one another are arranged
between two glass plates. The glass plates have a
gap of approximately 1 mm between them and are
sealed off lengthwise on both sides.

Air supplied by an external blower is initially intro-
duced to the air chamber through the air inlet.
From the air chamber, the air flows into the empty
space between the two glass plates and exits into
the open from the opposite end.

The air chamber is equipped with a one-way valve
which prevents the air from flowing in the wrong
direction in case the air flow apparatus is con-
nected to the suction nozzles of the blower by

Aerodynamic bodies of different shapes can be
introduced into the air flow. The inserted bodies
can be positioned in the air flow from outside.

1.1 Scope of delivery

1 Air flow apparatus

1 Circular body

1 Rectangular body

1 Streamlined body

1 Wing section

2 Bodies to demonstrate narrowing of flow

2. Technical data

Air flow apparatus


370 x 320 x 80 mm



3 kg

Aerodynamic bodies

Circular body:

105 mm Ø

Rectangular body:

90 mm x 60 mm

Streamlined body:

160 mm x 80 mm

Wing section:

150 mm x 60 mm

Narrowing bodies:

150 mm x 65 mm