3B Scientific Gallstone Model User Manual

Page 3

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1 Hepar
2 Ductus hepaticus sinister
3 Ductus hepaticus dexter
4 Ductus hepaticus communis
5 Vesica biliaris
6 Vesica biliaris, collum
7 Vesica biliaris, corpus
8 Vesica biliaris, fundus
9 Vesica biliaris, plicae mucosae
10 Plica spiralis
11 Ductus cysticus
12 Ductus choledochus
13 Duodenum, papilla major (VATER)
14 Duodenum
15 M. sphincter ampullae hepatopancreaticae
16 Aorta, pars abdominalis
17 V. portae hepatis
18 Ductus pancreaticus
19 Pancreas
20 Gallstone in the fundus area of the gallbladder
21 Gallstone in the area of the spiral valve
22 Wall area with acute inflammation of the gallbladder wall (cholecystitis)
23 Wall area following chronic inflammation of the gallbladder wall: scarred, contracted and thickened
24 Gallstone in the area of the common bile duct
25 A stone obstructing the papillary opening to the small intestine.Consequently, drainage of the

common bile duct and the pancreatic duct is obstructed.