3B Scientific Electrostatic Equipment Set User Manual

Page 3

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4.6 Electrical dances (Fig.6)

Attach the base plate (from 10) to the stand, put
5-8 pieces of elder pith on it and place the box
with the spherical electrode over the top.

Connect to the source of charge and gradually in-
crease the charge until the pieces of pith begin to

Stop charging and observe what happens.

Since the pieces are all charged to the same po-
larity as the base plate, they are repelled from it
and either lose their charge or gain an opposite
charge by coming close to the spherical electrode.
They then fall back and the process begins again
even if the flow of charge entering the experiment
is halted, since there will still be sufficient charge

4.7 Smoke eater (Fig.7)

Attach the base plate (from 10) to the stand, place
the box with the pointed electrode over the top
and connect to the source of charge.

Blow smoke from a cigarette or a smouldering
candle into the box.

Slowly charge up until the smoke is sucked down-

Repeat the process.

The smoke particles are charged by the pointed
electrode, repel one another and are attracted

down to the base plate which has the opposite

4.8 Rolling sphere race (Abb.8)

Attach the base plate and the rolling sphere race
(10) to the stand. Make sure the spacers of the
sphere race are not inserted crookedly.

Place the clean dry sphere onto the base plate so
that its circumference touches the edge of the up-
per circular electrode.

Connect to the source of charge and gradually in-
crease the charge until the sphere is repelled and
starts to roll. Too much charge only results in

The sphere is charged with one polarity and then
the other and the repeated charging and discharg-
ing produces force which causes it to roll.

If the sphere only spins on its own axis, a slight
push may be required.

(Fig. 6)

(Fig. 7)

(Fig. 8)

3B Scientific GmbH • Rudorffweg 8 • 21031 Hamburg • Germany • • Technical amendments are possible