3B Scientific Hand Skeleton Model with Ligaments and Muscles User Manual

Page 5

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32 Ulnar carpal collateral ligament
33 Dorsal radiocarpal ligament
34 Dorsal radioulnar ligament
35 Dorsal tubercle of radius
36 Radial carpal collateral ligament
37 Dorsal intercarpal ligaments
38 Dorsal carpometacarpal ligaments
39 Tendons of deep flexor muscle of fingers
40 Tendon of long flexor muscle of thumb
41 Tendon of radial flexor muscle of wrist
42 Common palmar digital nerves
43 Median nerve
44 Lumbrical muscles
45 Tendons of the superficial flexor muscle

of fingers

46 Dorsal digital arteries
47 Dorsal digital nerves
48 Intertendinous connections
49 Tendons of extensor muscle of fingers
50 Abductor muscle of little finger
51 Dorsal carpal arterial arch
52 Dorsal branch of ulnar nerve
53 Extensor retinaculum
54 Superficial branch of radial nerve
55 Radial artery
56 Tendon of short extensor muscle of thumb
57 Tendon of long extensor muscle of thumb
58 Dorsal interosseous muscles
59 Transverse fasciculi of palmar aponeurosis
60 Short flexor muscle of thumb
61 Short abductor muscle of thumb
62 Palmar aponeurosis
63 Pronator quadratus muscle
64 Tendon of palmaris longus muscle
65 Ulnar nerve
66 Ulnar artery
67 Palmar carpal ligament
68 Short palmar muscle
69 Common palmar digital arteries
70 Cruciform part of fibrous digital sheath
71 Proper palmar digital nerves
72 Proper palmar digital arteries
73 Anular part of fibrous digital sheath
74 Tendon of superficial flexor muscle of fingers
75 Tendon of deep flexor muscle of fingers
76 Opposer muscle of thumb
77 Superficial palmar arterial arch
78 Short flexor muscle of little finger

79 Superficial palmar branch of radial artery
80 Common flexor sheath
81 Adductor muscle of thumb
82 Tendinous sheath of long flexor muscle

of thumb

83 Deep palmar arterial arch
84 Deep branch of ulnar nerve
85 Palmar interosseous muscles

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