3B Scientific Hand Skeleton Model with Ligaments and Muscles User Manual
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1 Palmar carpometacarpal ligaments
2 Tuberculum of trapezium bone
3 Metacarpal bones I-V
4 Styloid process of radius
5 Palmar radiocarpal ligament
6 Radius
7 Palmar radioulnar ligament
8 Ulna
9 Palmar ulnocarpal ligament
10 Tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris muscle
11 Pisiform bone
12 Hook of hamate bone
13 Radiate carpal ligament
14 Palmar metacarpal ligaments
15 Pisometacarpal ligament
16 Pisohamate ligament
17 Palmar ligaments
18 Distal phalanx
19 Proximal phalanx
20 Flexor retinaculum
21 Interosseous membrane of forearm
22 Metacarpophalangeal joint, collateral
23 Deep transverse metacarpal ligament
24 Middle phalanx
25 Proximal interphalangeal joint
26 Distal interphalangeal joint
27 Distal interphalangeal joint, collateral
28 Proximal interphalangeal joint, collateral
29 Dorsal metacarpal ligaments
30 Hamate bone
31 Triquetrum bone
M33 - Hand Skeleton Model with Ligaments and Carpal Tunnel
This 3 part hand skeleton model shows the anatomical detail of the ligaments and tendons found in the
hand, wrist, and lower forearm. The interosseous membrane between the radius and ulna is shown along
with the bones of the hand. The flexor retunaculum is removable from the hand skeleton. In addition there
is a removable portion that can be fitted on the back of the hand model. This portion features the clinically
important structures of the carpal tunnel such as the flexor retinaculum, mediane nerve, and tendons of
the hand.
M33/1 - Hand Skeleton Model with Ligaments and Muscles
The bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, arteries, and veins are all featured in this high quality 4
part model of the hand and lower forearm. The dorsal side of the hand shows the extensor muscles as well
as portions of the tendons at the wrist as they pass under the extensor retunaculum. The palmar face of
the hand is represented in three layers, the first two removable to allow detailed study of the deeper ana-
tomical layer of the hand. In additon clinically important structures such as the median nerve and superfi-
cial palmar arterial arch can be explored in detail in the hand model. The deepest anatomical layer allows
for study of the intrinsic muscles and deep palmar arterial arch in addition to other details of the anatomy
of the hand.
A Ligaments of the right hand, dorsal view
B Ligaments of the right hand, palmar view
C Carpal tunnel region of the right hand, palmar view
D Carpal tunnel insert, oblique view from the direction of the fingertips
Ligaments of the right wrist, palmar view
Dorsum of hand (dorsum manus) and extensor side of fingers of right hand
G Right palm of the hand (palma manus) with palmar aponeurosis
H Right palm of the hand (palma manus) without fasciae and palmar aponeurosis
Superficial palmar arch of the right hand. Fasciae,
palmar aponeurosis and flexor retinaculum have been removed.
Deep palmar arterial arch of the right hand