8 hooks – R&M Materials Handling ELECTRIC CHAIN HOISTS LoadMate Chain Hoist LM 1 User Manual
Page 32

LM01 I&M MANUAL/EN/11.30.2010
This document and the information contained herein, is the exclusive property of R&M MATERIALS HANDLING, INC. and represents a non-public, confidential and proprietary trade secret
that may not be reproduced, disclosed to third parties, altered or otherwise employed in any manner whatsoever without the express written consent of R&M MATERIALS HANDLING, INC.
Copyright © (2010) R&M MATERIALS HANDLING, INC. All rights reserved.
5.8.1 General
Check hooks for deformation or cracks. Hooks must be replaced if throat opening has increased by more
than 15%, or if throat opening has more than 10-degree twist from plane of straight hook.
Figure 10. Measuring Hook Deformation
Due to many types and sizes of hooks that can be furnished and/or specified by the user / owner, it is
recommended that user / owner measure the actual throat opening of hook as originally furnished. See
Figure 10. Record the throat dimension on above sketch. Retain as a permanent record. This record can
then be used for determining when hook must be replaced due to deformation or excessive throat opening.
CAUTION: Abuse or overloading of hoist is indicated when any hook is twisted or has a
throat opening in excess of normal. Other load bearing components SHALL be checked for
CAUTION: Safety latches SHALL be replaced if missing, bent, or broken.
CAUTION: A safety latch SHALL function properly at all times.
CAUTION: Repairing hooks by welding or reshaping is strictly forbidden.