Glossary – Peterson AutoStrobe 490 User Manual
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cent - an audio frequency interval which is defined by the division of an equally-tempered semitone interval into 100 equal-
ratio steps. Each cent is
2 times the previous one in frequency, making it about 0.058% higher in frequency than the
previous one.
equal-tempered - type of note scaling within a musical octave in which a perfect 2:1 octave frequency ratio is divided into
equal-ratio scale notes. In a twelve-tone scale, each note's frequency is
2 times the previous one making each scale note
about 6% higher in frequency than the previous one.
equal temperament - a musical scale in which the scale notes are at equal ratios from one to the next. In a twelve-
tone/octave scale, this ratio is
2 making each scale note about 6% higher in frequency than the previous one. This scaling
choice provides for identical musical intervals regardless of the root note used for the key signature. In exchange for this
flexibility, all intervals have varying degrees of built-in dissonance associated with them.
temperament - frequency scaling of the notes within a musical octave.
timbre - the "character" or quality of a sound, distinct from pitch and volume, which distinguishes one sound from another.
All natural sounds may be thought of as containing various simple-tone (sinusoidal) frequencies in varying strengths. It is
the relative strength and frequency of these over-tones or "partials" and the manner in which these parameters change over
the course of the sound that makes a note from a piano, for example, distinguishable from that of a trumpet.