Peterson StroboPlus HD Owners Manual User Manual

Page 13

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This web portal allows you to create presets from your favorite settings, determine which Sweeteners and
temperaments will show on your tuner and save and trade custom Sweetener™ settings. Your settings will be able
to be loaded onto any Peterson tuner which has a USB port. When you register your tuner, all settings will be
stored both at this portal and on your device. When you connect the tuner via the USB cable to a computer
connected to the web, the PetersonConnect site will determine if there are any firmware updates or configuration
changes that need to be loaded. Visit .

Upgrading Your StroboPlus™ to include Peterson BodyBeat® Metronome Functions

It is possible to upgrade the operating system of your StroboPlus tuner so that it additionally has the features of the
Peterson BBS-1 BodyBeat Sync® metronome*.
You can also purchase a Vibe Clip™ to enable the tactile metronome feature.
Please note: The StroboPlus does not have any wireless receiving or transmitting features. Only the Peterson
BodyBeat Sync™ metronome has wireless capability.

To upgrade your StroboPlus tuner and add the metronome features, visit:


Register your StroboPlus and click on the “Purchase BodyBeat Upgrade” button.

*except the wireless synchronization feature