Peterson AutoStrobe 490ST User Manual
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4. EIGHTY-CHARACTER LCD MENU SCREEN — Simplicity and ease of operation are enhanced by the intuitive
and user-friendly menu screen displays which address all the functional features of the tuner.
5. FOUR MENU-DRIVEN FUNCTION BUTTONS — The action of each of these four push buttons is defined by
whatever specific description is currently displayed immediately above them on the bottom line of the LCD screen.
These software-defined buttons permit great flexibility and simple user interaction with the Model 490-ST. The
functions of buttons “3” and “4” are paralleled on the “tip” and “ring” connections, respectively, of the “OCT- / OCT+”
stereo 1/4-inch jack at the back of the Model 490-ST. This allows “hands-free” setting of the currently selected octave
through a momentary-close footswitch when a stretch file is active. (A proper footswitch is available from peterson
as part #: 140069.)
6. TWELVE MANUAL NOTE-SELECTION BUTTONS — These 12 push buttons permit traditional manual selection
of the scale note to which the audio input is to be tuned. The Model 490-ST also permits (by default) an “AUTO” or
“hands-off” tuning mode where the standard scale note closest in pitch to the incoming audio signal is automatically
selected by the unit.
7. ENTER — This push button is used to select specific values of scale note cent deviations when editing customized
temperament or stretch files used in specialized tuning applications. It is also used to make some of the user selections
under the temperament/stretch programming menus of the tuner. Under the normal RUN screen, ENTER is used in
conjunction with the UP ARROW/DOWN ARROW buttons to access enhanced resolution of the global cent offset
parameter displayed on that screen.
8. KEY — This push button is used to allow the Model 490-ST to reference scale notes in the same key base as the
instrument to be tuned. Note names are internally transposed from “Concert Standard” notes allowing the user to see
and access notes in the transposition with which he is most comfortable. For example, if a clarinetist enters a KEY of
B= and plays the “C” position of a B= clarinet, the strobe disc will indicate the “in tune” standing pattern when the LCD
display indicates note “C” even though the pitch being played is Concert B=. Each press of the KEY button will
advance the current key of the tuner one step within the sequence: C, B=, F, E=, and back to C. (Please note that all
buttons which affect motor speed are disabled while the motor is accelerating to a new speed.)
9. UP ARROW / DOWN ARROW — These two push buttons increment or decrement various parameters on the LCD
screen depending upon which screen is currently active. While the RUN screen is active, they control the global cent
offset parameter displayed on the second line of the LCD. (Individual note cent offsets are separately programmable
under Temperament and Stretch File menus.) While controlling either global cent offset in the RUN screen or individual
note offsets under the File menus, pressing both the UP and DOWN arrow buttons simultaneously will provide an
immediate “reset value to 0” operation. When either button is depressed and held to continuously increment or
decrement these cent values, advancement will proceed, after one initial step, at 5 times the currently set resolution.
These new features help to speed manipulation of the cents parameter.
Each time the ENTER button is pressed simultaneously with either arrow button, the resolution of the global cent offset
parameter is advanced one step within the sequence: 1, 0.5, 0.1, and back to 1 cent resolution. Under some Temperament
and Stretch File menus, the arrow buttons advance a cursor to select characters when naming files.
10. DISPLAY +2 / -1 — This push button alters the strobe motor speeds so as to cause audio input in a given octave to be
read on higher or lower bands on the strobe disc. While this effectively expands the range of tuning to an unprecedented
11 octaves, it is most often used to push the standing strobe pattern for very high or low-pitched instruments toward the
more easily-read middle strobe disc bands. However, with our latest innovations in automatic strobe clarity, this will
often be unnecessary. Each press of this button will advance the current display mode one step within the sequence:
normal, +2, -1, and back to normal. For a given input pitch, the “+2” mode shifts the lowest strobe disc band exhibiting
a standing pattern two positions higher than would appear in the “normal” display. This would be most useful with very
low-pitched notes. For a given input, the “-1” mode shifts the lowest strobe disc band exhibiting a standing pattern one
position lower than would appear in the “normal” display. This would be most useful with very high-pitched notes.
(Please note that all buttons which affect motor speed are disabled while the motor is accelerating to a new speed.)