Moog Music MF-105M MIDI MuRF (Manual Addendum - Firmware v1.8) User Manual

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5) Now, play a bright, sustained sound, preferably of low pitch into

the MIDI MuRF - keep in mind that filter effects work by removing

frequencies, so you must have a bright sound to hear the effect! Figure 6

shows the MF-105M’s MIDS frequency response, the response that you

hear when the panel controls are set up as in the basic setup. Note that

there are 8 resonances – they impart warmth and color to the sound. For a

moment press the bypass switch and turn the effect off. Note the change

in character of the sound. Now switch the effect back on.

can hear the effect of just the filters.

3) Make sure the effect is on, and MIX is at


4) Connect just the "left/mono" output

to your amplification.

You may want

to experiment with the panel controls

and switches as we discuss each of the


Figure 5 - Testing the Filters

6) Now turn all the sliders down except the lowest one. While playing

your instrument, turn each slider up one at a time, while the rest of the

sliders are all the way down. Pay careful attention to the sound of each

filter. When you have learned the sound of each individual filter, try

various combinations, such as the bottom two and top two. At this point

you will want to repeat steps 5 and 6 with the FREQ slide switch moved

to the BASS voicing position. Figure 7 shows the frequency response of

the 8 filters in the BASS voicing setting. This will familiarize you with

the sounds of the two voicings. Note that even without Animation, the

MIDI MuRF is a VERY POWERFUL filter bank with many possibilities

to sculpt your tone!

Figure 6 - MIDS Frequency Response

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