Moog Music MF-105M MIDI MuRF (Manual Addendum - Firmware v1.8) User Manual

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1/8 note (CC Values 084-089), Clock messages: 12

Dotted 1/16 (CC Values 090-096), Clock messages: 9

1/16 note (CC Values 097-102), Clock messages: 6

Dotted 1/32 (CC Values 103-108), Clock messages: 4

1/32 note(CC Values 109-115), Clock messages: 3

Dotted 1/64 (CC Values 116-121), Clock messages: 2

1/64 note (CC Values 122-127), Clock messages: 1

A MIDI Clock Stop Message will stop the Pattern’s playback until a

MIDI Clock start message is received, a MIDI Clock Continue message

is received or until the Front Panel RATE, FREQ, or PATTERN Controls

are moved. See the section above describing the use of CC89 to enable

or disable the Pattern Clock syncing to MIDI Clock.


Certain MIDI Note On Messages can be used to control the levels of

the filters, or advance the pattern sequencer like the STEP input:

STEP MODE: Note On Value 108. When the MIDI MuRF receives

a NOTE_ON Value 108 on the MIDI Channel that is assigned, the

pattern clock is stopped, and the pattern is advanced to the next step

in the current pattern. The pattern clock is advanced 1 cycle for each

Note On Value 108 message received in this mode. Moving the RATE

panel Control, changing the Rate CV input, receiving CC9, or if Pattern

Clock Sync is enabled, receiving MIDI Clock start or continue message

followed by clock messages restarts the Pattern Clock.

MUTE MODE: Note On Values 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35, 36. These

Notes allow the lowest C to C major scale (8 white keys) on an 88-note

controller to correspond to Filters 1-8. When a Note On Message of

value 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35 or 36 is received on the MIDI Channel

that is assigned, the corresponding Filter EGR is turned off for the

duration of the Note On event. This allows the user to mute specific filter

bands while the pattern is playing.

TRIGGERED MODE: Note On Values 48, 50, 52, 53, 55, 57, 59, 60.

These notes allow the C to C major scale (8 white keys) with the highest

note as Middle C to correspond to Filters 1-8. When a Note On message

of value 48, 50, 52, 53, 55, 57, 59, or 60 is received on the MIDI Channel

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