Material safety data sheet – SCT-Germany SCHAUM-CLEANER User Manual
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Printing Date 28.05.2004
Reviewed on 16.02.2003
6. Accidental release measures
environmental precautions
Do not discharge into surface waters/groundwater.
Do not discharge into the subsoil/soil.
methods for cleaning up/taking up Take up with absorbent material (e.g. general-purpose
Flush away residues with water.
7. Handling and storage
Advice on safe handling
Use only in well-ventilated areas.
Advice on protection against fire and explosion
Keep away from sources of ignition
Highly volatile, flammable components are liberated in processing.
Requirements for storage rooms and vessels
Prevent penetration into the ground.
Advice on storage compatibilty
Do not store together with food.
Further information on storage conditions
Keep container in a well-ventilated place
Recommended storage temperature: 20 °C.
Keep in a cool place, heat causes increase in pressure and risk of bursting.
Storage class
8. Exposure controls/personal protection
Ingredients with occupational exposure limits to be monitored:
CAS no. EINECS no. limit value
Hazardous substance name
64-17-5 200-578-6 MAK-Grenzwert 1900 mg/m
Personal protective equipment not necessary
Wash hands before breaks and after work.
9. Physical and chemical properties
Form : Aerosol
Colour : colourless
Odour : characteristic
Data relevant to safety dates of the content without propellant
Boiling range
80-190 °C
Flash point: 55 °C
Method : DIN 51755
Density at: 20°C 0,99 g/ml
Solubility in water:
at 20°C 100%
pH: (concentrate 20°C) 8,0 - 8,5