Seite 4, Cockpit reiniger matt – SCT-Germany COCKPIT-REINIGER Effekt MATT User Manual
Page 4

Prepared according to Annex II of EC Regulation 1907/2006
Printing Date: 26.01.2011
Revision Date: 26.01.2011
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Regulatory information
Classification according to Dangerous Product Regulations incl. EC Directives
(67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC)
Not applicable
Indications of danger:
Observe restrictions:
VOC 1999/13/EC n.v.
Other information
n.a. = not applicable / n.v., k.D.v. = n.av. = not available / n.g. = n.c. = not checked
WEL = Workplace Exposure Limit EH40, TWA = Long-term exposure limit (8-hour TWA (= time weighted average) reference
period), STEL = Short-terme exposure limit (15-minute reference period) / BMGV = Biological monitoring guidance value EH40
AGW = "Arbeitsplatzgrenzwert" (workplace limit value, Germany) / BGW = "Biologischer Grenzwert" (biological limit value,
Germany) VbF = Regulations for flammable liquids (Austria) WGK = water hazard class (Germany) - WGK 3 = very hazardous,
WGK 2 = hazardous, WGK 1 = slightly hazardous to water VOC = Volatile organic compounds / AOX = Adsorbable organic
halogen compounds VwVwS = Administrative Order relating to substances hazardous to water (Germany) The statements
made here should describe the product with regard to the necessary safety precautions - they are not meant to guarantee
definite characteristics - but they are based on our present up-to-date knowledge. No responsibility. These statements were
made by: Chemical Check GmbH, Beim Staumberge 3, D-32839 Steinheim, Tel.: +49 5233 94 17 0, +49 1805- CHEMICAL /
+49 180 52 43 642, Fax: +49 5233 94 17 90, +49 180 50 50 455 © by Chemical Check GmbH Gefahrstoffberatung. The
copying or changing of this document is forbidden except with consent of the Chemical Check GmbH Gefahrstoffberatung.
Cockpit Reiniger Matt