Mannol energy formula fr – SCT-Germany ENERGY FORMULA FR SAE 5W-30 API SL User Manual
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7. Handling and storage
· Handling: Storage correctly to avoid spillage and oil vapours.
· Storage: Best under cover. Store container on their side so that the filling bungs are under
the fluid level.
8. Exposure controls/personal protection
· Exposure control: Ensure a high level of personal hygiene. Ensure good ventilation. Do not wear
cloths that are contaminated with product. Do not put oil wet cloth/twist in your pocet. If there is
a risc of direct contact or splashes, wear face visor or glogges, impervious gloves and protective
· Eye protection: Use suitable face visor or goggels.
· Skin protection: Oil impervious protective clothing.
· Hand protection: protective gloves:nitrile rubber gloves (minimal thickness 0.33mm),
Breakthrougn time 480 min (EN 374)
Butyl rubber gloves( minimal thikness 0.8 mm), breakthrough time 120 min ( EN 374)
In practise, due to variable exposure conditions, this information can only be an aid to orientation
for selection of a suitable chamical protection glove. In particular, this information does not
substitute suitability tests by the end user.
General information
Gloves should be replaced regularly, especially after extended contact with the product. For each
work-place asuitable glove type has to be selected.
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Prepared according to Annex II of EC Regulation 1907/2006
6. Accidental release measures
· Safety measurments to Protect Persons: Mark the spillage. Use personal protection as stated
in section 8.
· Safety measurments to Protect Enviroment: Contain the spillage using sand, soil or other
suitable material. Avoid seepage into the drains. Collect the spillage using cloths or an oil
absorbent material. Immediately inform the government agency (fire brigade) if the spillage
escapes into the drains of waterways. At large spillage inform the government agency
(fire brigade). Collect material to be handled as advised under section 13.
9. Physical and chemical properties
· General Information
· Form: Liquid
· Colour: Yellow-Brownish
· Odour: Oil. Faint
· Density at 200°C: 0,870-0,9
· Solubility in water: Negligible
· Pour point: -35°C
· Flash point open cup (ASTM D-92): >220°C
· Viscosity at 100°C: 10,0-12,0 mm2/s (cSt)
Printing Date: 02.08.2011
Revision Date: 02.08.2011