Seite 3, Epoxid kitt – SCT-Germany EPOXIDKITT STAHL+METALL User Manual
Page 3
Prepared according to Annex II of EC Regulation 1907/2006
8.2 Exposure controls
8.2.1 Occupational exposure controls
Ensure good ventilation. This can be achieved by local suction or general air extraction. If this is insufficient to maintain the
concentration und the WEL or AGW values, suitable breathing protection should be worn.
Applies only if maximum permissible exposure values are listed here.
Respiratory protection:
Normally not necessary
Hand protection:
Chemical resistant protective gloves (EN 374)
Protective gloves in butyl rubber (EN 374)
Permeation time (penetration time) in minutes:
Protective hand cream recommended
Eye protection:
Tight fitting protective goggles with side protection (EN 166)
Skin protection:
Protective working garments (e.g. safety shoes EN ISO 20345, long-sleeved protective working garments)
8.2.2 Environmental exposure control
Physical and chemical properties
Stability and reactivity
Exposure controls/personal protection
W E L -T W A = W ork p lac e E x po s ur e L im it - Lo ng -t er m e x po s ur e li m it (8 - ho ur T W A (= ti m e w ei g ht ed a v e ra g e) r ef e ren c e p eri od ) E H 4 0. A G W
= " A r beit s plat z g re nz w e rt " ( wo r k plac e lim it v a lue, G e rm a ny) . | W E L- S T E L = W o rk p la c e E xpo s ur e L i m it - S ho rt- t er m e ex po s ur e li m it ( 15 -m i nut e
ref e re nc e p er io d). | B M G V = B i olo gi c a l m o nit o rin g gu id a nc e v al ue E H 4 0. B G W = " B io lo g is c he r G r en z w e rt" ( bio lo gic al li m it v al ue, G e rm a ny ) |
O t he r i nf or m at io n: S e n = C a pa b le o f c a us i ng o c c u pa t io na l as t hm a. S k = C a n be a bs o rb ed t hr o ug h s k in . C arc = C a pa ble o f c a us i ng c an c e r
a nd /o r he ri t ab le g ene t ic da m ag e .
* * = T he e x po s u re li m it f o r t his s ub s t an c e is r ep e al ed t hro ug h t he T R G S 90 0 (G e rm a ny) o f J an ua ry 20 0 6 w it h t he g o a l o f re v i s io n .
Epoxid Kitt
Chemical Name
content%: 10-<20
Other informations: ---
WEL-TWA: 10mg/m³ (total inh. dust), 4mg/m³ (resp.
BMGV: ---
9.1 General i nformation
Physical state:
Solid, Pastelike
9.2. Important heal th, sa fety and environmental i nformation
pH-value undiluted:
Boiling point/boiling range (°C):
Melting point/melting range (°C ):
Not detected
Flash point (°C):
> 200
Oxidising properties:
Minimum limit of explosion:
Maximum limit of explosion:
Vapour pressure:
Not detected
Density (g/ml):
1,85 (20°C)
Water solubility:
Conditions to avoi d
See point 7
Stable when handled and stored correctly.
Materials to avoid
See point 7
Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents.
Hazardous decomposition products See point
5. 3
No decomposition when used as directed.
Printing Date: 01.12.2010
Revision Date: 01.12.2010
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