Mannol sp-iii automatic special – SCT-Germany SP-III AUTOMATIC SPECIAL User Manual
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11. Toxicological information
· General: Low oder of acute toxicity, but aspiration following ingestion and vomiting may cause
severe and potentially fatal chemical pneumonitis. Does not absorb in acute toxic amounts
through the skin. Exposure to high concentrations of oil mist may cause irritation to the
respiratory organ. Exposure to the eye is slightly irritating, but does not injurte eye tissue.
Continous or repeated skin contact combined with poor personal hygiene may couse dermatitis
like eczema and oil acne. Used oil may contain harmfuil contaminants.
· Skin contact: Product that under high pressure has been forced under the skin, may cause
serious cell damage/death under the skin. Often or prolonged skin contact with used engine oils
can cause cancer of the skin.
12. Ecological information
· Mobility: Low solubility in water, floats on water.
· Persistence/Degradability: Potentially degradable, but will persist in the enviroment for
long periods.
· Accumulation: Contain components with the potential to bioaccumulate. (logPow > 3)
· Ecotoxity: Not harmful to aquatic organisms. Expected LC/EC 50 value > 100 mg/l.
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Prepared according to Annex II of EC Regulation 1907/2006
13. Disposal considerations
· Disposal methods: Recover and reclaim or recycle, if practical. Do not allow runoff to sewer,
waterway or ground. Confirm disposal procedures with enviromental engineer and local
· Contaminated packaging: Drums that are to be recycled must be thoroughly evacuated.
Turn emty drum up side down, somewhat leaning (ca 10) with opening in lowest position.
Let remaining products run out until drum is drip-free. Do not reseal without ventilating at a place
free from ignition sourses. See section 7 for further instructions.
14. Transport information
· General: Not classified as dangerous goods according to ADR/RID/IMDG/IATA
· Road transport UN No :
15. Regulatory information
· Label for suplply: Not applicable
· Risk phrases: Not applicable
· Safety phrases: Not applicable
Printing Date: 02.08.2011
Revision Date: 02.08.2011