Services, Turnkey software management – Rosen ROAIMS for Plants & Terminals User Manual

Page 7

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Maintenance of a tank management system needs ad-
equate business tools to ensure that staff involved in tank
maintenance and inspection are able to safeguard the
integrity and functionality of storage tanks. The minimal
business controls needed are:

• Task distribution – roles, responsibilities and authorities

are clearly defined and documented.

• Staff involved in tank maintenance and inspection have

the required professional skills, organizational support
and personality traits to meet the job requirements.

• Assurance that the constructed storage tank meets the

engineering and operations performance specification.

• The storage tank is under regular review in the form

of daily checks by operators and formal quality and
safety audits.

• A document control and record system for storage of all

necessary documents (for quality assurance).

• Processes to safeguard the technical integrity of storage

tanks (integrity management) which also provide a ratio-
nal and systematic basis for justifying required budgets.

ROSEN’s management support tool has a strong focus
on ownership, responsibilities, authority and skills for
maintenance activities essential to the integrity/reliability
of storage tanks. Our supporting tool can be seen as an
add-on to the operator’s overall quality management and
record system for the purpose of improving auditability.