Services – Rosen ROAIMS for Plants & Terminals User Manual

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Internationally accepted codes for above-ground storage
tanks such as EEMUA 159 and API 653 provide guidance
and recommendations for continuing tank operation.
ROSEN uses qualified Tank Integrity Assessors (TIA) to
perform inspections that comply with these standards.
Based on their findings, the TIA is able to carry out a full
compliance check and to give recommendations regard-
ing necessary yet cost-effective repairs. A full EEMUA
159/API 653 inspection includes, among other things,
the following services:

• Tank bottom inspection with ROSEN’s high-resolution

Tank Bottom Inspection Tool (TBIT)

• Shell inspection with ROSEN’s UT Crawler
• Detailed Visual Inspection of the tank structure,

including fittings and mountings

• Settlement survey and assessments
• Out-of-roundness surveys
• Engineering compliance checks

eeMUA 159/ApI 653 InSpecTIOn


ROSEN’s Risk Based Inspection (RBI) services & associ-
ated software is used to control a process for planning
inspection of above-ground storage tanks based on
environmental risk and complies with the principles of
API 580 in terms of RBI. The method improves tank avail-
ability at optimum cost and at the same time ensures
that integrity issues, including safety and environment,
are properly addressed. Priority is given to items in the
higher risk categories that need to be monitored closely.
Utilization of RBI provides a vehicle for continuously
improving the inspection of tanks and facilities in general
and for systematically reducing the risk associated with
credible failure. The ultimate deliverable is of course a
cost-effective inspection and/or monitoring plan which
serves as input for the overall maintenance management

Remaining life assessment:
estimated degradation of the sketch plates

Data and Information

of Failure

of Failure

Risk Assessment process

Risk Ranking

Inspection plan

Mitigation (if any)
