Customized applications – Rosen Ultimate Clean User Manual

Page 4

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Bend-detection transmitter tool

CUstomiZed CoNfigUratioNs

in many pipeline applications, a customized disc tool
design will result in significantly improved performance.
incorporating a range of customization options, the
Ultimate clean™ tool can be adjusted to suit the
geometry requirements of specific pipeline systems,
thereby allowing safe passage of valves and fittings.

examples of available configuration options:
• special disc sizing and mounting for progressive

removal of wax

• Uni-directional discs for critical batching operations like

product removal with nitrogen or water removal in
pre-commissioning tasks

• special configurations for gate valves inaccessible with

standard disc or cup tools due to insufficient gap length

• providing a large carrying capacity, the 2-in-1 brush/

magnet configuration, available in sizes 20" and above,
has been shown to be highly efficient in collecting any
kind of steel debris

high temperatUre tool

Featuring high-temperature Roplasthan® grades for hot
media (temperature range 100°c and above)

ammoNia tool

With special Roplasthan® 1306 disc/cup materials

sUper dUpleX tool

For highly aggressive, corrosive media, combined with
high temperature requirements

mUlti-diameter tool

diameter configurations for pipelines with two or more
different nominal sizes (multi-diameter pipelines)

CUstomiZed appliCatioNs

the information contained herein is general
in nature and is not intended for specific
construction, installation or application purpo-
ses. Rosen reserves the right to make changes
in specifications or add improvements at any
time without notice or obligation.

© 2013 Rosen swiss ag. all Rights Reserved.

desCaliNg/deWaXiNg tool

special cups with tungsten carbide studs for removal
of severely encrusted debris such as scale and hard wax

dual diameter brush tool, ateX certified

dual diameter tool