General installation practices, Factory exhaust manifold bolt removal – Banks Power Ford Motorhomes: (Gas ’93 - 98 7.5L Class-A) PowerPack system (Class-A, Carb, JD-OK Chassis) For use w_ 460 carbureted engine User Manual

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general installation practices

for ease of installation and trouble-free

operation of your banks powerpack



please read this entire 12-page owner’s manual

before starting any work. (If any pages are

missing from this package, please call gale banks

engineering immediately for a replacement.)

become thoroughly familiar with all components

and phases of the installation before starting any


inspect all components supplied for any

foreign material that may have entered

during shipping and handling.

caution: Whatever methods are used

to elevate the vehicle must be of sufficient

capacity for the vehicle weight involved.


work under any vehicle supported only by a

jack of any kind.

do not use

concrete blocks or

other masonry items that may collapse under the

vehicle weight.

pay particular attention to the routing of

any wires. keep them away from exhaust

heat, moving parts and sharp edges that may

cause cuts or other damage. route or tie wires

away from critical areas as required. keep all

wires a minimum of 6” from hot exhaust parts, 8”

or more is recommended whenever possible.

right-hand and left-hand designations refer

to the driver’s right or left, as seated in the

vehicle, (i.e.: right-hand refers to the passenger

side of the vehicle, unless noted otherwise.)

the banks motorhome powerpack



de-signed to fit class “a” 460 ford/oshkosh

and John deere engine/chassis combinations.

because of different equipment layouts used

by various coach builders, some accessories

and components may have to be relocated to

accommodate the air intake components of the

banks powerpack




The Banks Ram-Air Filter comes pre-

oiled and no oiling is necessary for initial

installation. Service the filter as specified

in the Cleaning and Oiling the Banks Ram-

Air Filter Section of this manual.








p.n. 96345

facTory exhausT manIfold bolT removal

because of a condition inherent in the factory

design, the exhaust manifolds may crack the man-

ifold-to-head bolts as manifolds undergo changes

in length from expansion and contraction. In some

cases, these forces may also crack the exhaust

bolt bosses on the cylinder head. cracked bolts

will not show any external damage, but bolt heads

may break off upon removal.
We recommend that you do the following to

minimize the possibility of broken manifold



apply a penetrating oil (such as liquid

Wrench) to the area where each exhaust

manifold bolt enters the cylinder head.


If some bolts turn more easily than others,

remove these bolts first. This may reduce

stress on the tighter bolts.


the use of an impact wrench is

recommended, when available. The

hammering action of the impact tool helps loosen

the bolts better than the steady pull of a wrench


if a manifold bolt does break off, it may be

removed by one of the following methods.


if there is enough thread remaining on the

broken bolt to install two nuts, it may be

possible to jam the nuts together to turn the bolt.

Tighten the nuts against each other, then turn the

bolt by turning the inner nut counterclockwise.


if there is some thread protruding from the

head, but not enough to install double nuts,

it may be possible to grip the bolt with a tool such

as a vise-grip pliers.


if the bolt has broken off near or below the

flange surface of the head, it may be drilled

and removed with a screw extractor, such as and

easy-out. make sure you drill the pilot hole in the

center of the broken bolt with the proper size drill

for the extractor used. If the hole is not on center,

it may cause the extractor to bite into the threads

in the head, preventing the extractor from turning.