Renata SA Silver Oxide 0% Mercury Batteries - MP Packaging User Manual

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background image

• tear off perforation for each

individual single blister

• peel off flap for easy battery

take out

• space saving blister piling

(storage and logistic)

• battery box with safety seal

(sealed peel of flap for box


• back side of MP blistercard is

showing bar code and every single

blister even the expiry date

The new Renata blistercard MP (Multifunctional Pack)

containing 10 silver oxide cells.

Other existing Renata packaging versions and battery tester.

CU packaging for silver oxide cells

this practical single blister card

unit (CU) packaging is used for

individual use in department stores,

electronic device stores or service


IB packaging for silver oxide and

lithium cells

Our industrial bulk (IB) packaging

for OeM applications (movement

manufacturers, watch assemblers).

Renata battery tester

Renata battery tester for 1.55 V

silver oxide cells and 3 V lithium

cells. It includes a special inductive

circuit which can test the battery of

analogue watches with a stepping

motor without the need to open the

watch case.

CU packaging for lithium cells

Our unmistakable single blister

card unit (CU) packaging for all

kinds of POS presentations.

New display for 24 MP blistercards

• clear identification

of each battery size

MP box containing 10 blistercards (= 100 cells each MP box)