RBP Chemical Technology J7026 Concept 21 STM 6.0 User Manual
Product data sheet, Description, Directions for use

This product should be used only for its intended purpose. The information stated above is based on our laboratory tests and
experience, and is accurate to the best of our knowledge. Since actual use is beyond our control, the recommendations or
suggestions are made without warranty, expressed or implied.
Product Data Sheet
Date: 08/04/13
Supersedes: 07/28/10
PRODUCT #: ADM 3.0-J7027; STM 6.0-J7026
Concept 21 ADM 3.0/STM 6.0
Super concentrated fountain solution system
A unique mild acid fountain solution chemistry system designed specifically for
managing print characteristics and performance on press. Concept 21 allows
press operators to manufacture their own specific fountain solution on-site to
meet specific press needs. Precision blending technology mixes proprietary,
ultra-concentrated chemistry for concise dosing of the components into the
press mix. The ADM is comprised of the gum and desensitizers to maintain a
clean non-image area, while the STM is comprised of the wetting agents and
solvents to keep water settings low and the water system clean..
Directions for
Initial Start-up:
Start Concept 21 ADM Series at the #4 setting on the graduated scale.
Start Concept 21 STM Series at the #6 setting on the graduated scale.
Normal Operating Range:
pH: 4.5 to 5.2
Conductivity: 1800-3000 micromhos/cm
Depending on type of dampening system, press speed, types of paper
water, and other variables, the STM and ADM can be adjusted to meet the
needs of printing conditions. Consult the manual for press issues.
ADM – Green-Blue; STM – Yellow
ADM 10.3 lbs/gal; STM 8.2 lbs/gal
See chart below
pH, diluted:
4.5 to 5.2
VOC Content:
ADM – none; STM – 5.1 lbs/gal