Cubase, Logic – M-AUDIO Mac Syncman User Manual
Page 22

Down. Now with Master Tracks do the following:
Go to the Goodies Menu.
Select MIDI Set-up.
Set the “Receive sync on port” to printer.
Set “Sync Source” to MIDI Time Code.
Set “SMPTE Format” to 30 fps (30 Frames/sec)
Set “Start Time” to: Hr 0 Mn 0 Sc 5 Fr 0.
This sets the sequence start time to 5 seconds.
Exit the Goodies Menu.
At the bottom right of the screen, in the small box where it says “INT
Sync” click twice until it says “MTC Sync.” This switches the sync to
MIDI Time Code.
You are now ready to sync to SMPTE via MIDI Time Code.
With Cubase we recommend that you use Mac Syncman in
SMPTE/MIDI Time Code Mode
. To do this make sure that the
OFF/MTC and DTL/MTC dip-switches are both Down. On Mac
Syncman select the SMPTE format you wish to use. We suggest 30
Frames which means the two left most dip-switches should both be
Down. Now with Cubase do the following:
At the bottom right of the main screen 3 boxes appear labeled: Click;
Master; and Sync. Select the box labeled Sync.
Under the Options Menu look at Sync.
Under Sync:
Select SMPTE Sync MTC
Set Song Start to 00:00:05:00:00
Set the SMPTE format i.e. Frames/Sec to 30 fps.
With Logic we recommend that you use Mac Syncman in SMPTE/MIDI
Time Code Mode
. To do this make sure that the OFF/MTC and
DTL/MTC dip-switches are both Down. On Mac Syncman select the
SMPTE format you wish to use. We suggest 30 Frames which means the
two left most dip-switches should both be Down. Since Logic automati-
cally detects incoming MIDI Time Code and adjusts to incoming frame
rate, all you have to do is: