Panel description – M-AUDIO SAM User Manual
Page 7

Panel Description
Top Panel
1. Gain Controls: In Mix Mode, these pots set the output mix level
for each channel coming from the SAM’s ADAT Optical input.
These controls are pure attenuators. Turn the pot in a counter-
clockwise direction to decrease the signal level in the output
mix, or in a clockwise direction to get maximum signal level.
These controls are only active during mix mode; in direct modes
they are ignored.
2. Pan Controls: In Mix Mode, these pots set the output pan posi-
tion for each channel coming from the SAM’s ADAT Optical
input. Turn the pot counter-clockwise to pan left, or clockwise
to pan right. When a pan pot is centered (in its detent position)
the signal is attenuated by approximately -3dB. When a pan pot
is set hard left or hard right, the pan control applies unity gain.
These controls are only active during mix mode; in direct modes
they are ignored.
3. Output Level Displays: These LED display ladders accurately
depict the outgoing signal levels in any conversion mode. The
top ladder displays the left output channel level and the bottom
ladder displays the right output channel level. When the Red
LED lights on one or both ladders, it indicates that the signal
level exceeds -1dB and may be clipping.
4. Conversion Mode LEDs: These six indicators display the current
SAM conversion mode. Only one Mode LED is lit at a time. See
the section 'Operating Modes Overview' to learn more about
these modes.
Front Panel
5. Mode Button: This momentary pushbutton selects the current
SAM conversion mode. Repeatedly press the Mode button until
the SAM reaches the desired mode.
Rear Panel
6. Power connector: This connector mates with the SAM power
adapter. The SAM uses a 9 Volt DC, 500 milliamp, center-pin
positive supply. When the adapter is plugged into the SAM