DreamGEAR DGDSI-1986 es User Manual
Dual dock

Dual Dock
• Dual Dock
• User’s Guide/Warranty Card
• Registration Card
1. Insert your Nintendo DSi or DS Lite onto the proper port on the
Dual Dock.
2. Connect your DSi compatible AC adapter to the Dual Dock to
charge DSi.
3. Connect your DS Lite compatible AC adapter to the Dual Dock
to charge DS Lite.
• The DSi AC adapter is capable of charging both the DSi and DS
Lite at the same time using only the DSi AC adapter.
• The DS Lite AC adapter can ONLY charge the DS Lite.
Question: My DSi or DS Lite is not charging.
Solution: Make sure your DSi or DS Lite is plugged in properly and
securely. Make sure that the Dual Dock is free from debris. Make
sure that either of the ports for the DSi or DS Lite are not damaged
or compromised. Make sure you are using the proper AC adapter.