Garmin Geko 301 User Manual
Page 24

To Stop Navigation:
1. Press the OK Button to open the Options Menu.
2. Press the Up Button to highlight the ‘STOP NAVIGATION’ fi eld and press the OK Button
to stop navigating.
To change data fi elds:
1. On the Navigation Page, press the UP or DOWN Buttons to scroll through the available
data fi elds. Note some are not available unless navigating to a destination.
By pressing the UP or DOWN Button, you can cycle through the Data fi elds at the bot-
tom of the Navigation Page:
• Speed—tells you how fast you are going.
• Elevation—the measurement of height above mean sea level.
• Location—shows your current location coordinates, UTM, latitude and longitude, etc.
• Time/ Date—the current time and date based on your Time Zone settings.
• Trip Odometer—the total distance you’ve gone since the last reset.
• Heading—the direction you are traveling.
The following fi elds display only when navigating:
• Bearing— the compass direction from your current location to your destination.
• Course—the direction from your starting location to a destination.
• Time To Go—the estimated time at your current speed to reach your destination.
• Arrival Time—the time of your arrival, based on your current speed and distance left.
• Final Distance—the route distance left from your current location to your destination.
Navigation Page
The Navigation Page allows
you to display 11 types of dif-
ferent data, such as ‘Elevation’,
‘Speed’, etc.
On the Navigation Page, the UP
and DOWN Buttons are used to
cycle through different trip data.
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