2 ipod® commands p. 249, 2 pandora® commands p. 249, 2 bluetooth ® audio commands p. 249 – Acura 2014 ILX Navigation User Manual

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Voice Commands

Audio Commands

iPod play
iPod search
(activates Song By Voice™)
iPod play track # (#: 1-30)
iPod skip forward
iPod skip back
iPod track shuffle
iPod album shuffle*
iPod track repeat*
iPod normal play (cancels repeat or

shuffle play mode, resumes normal
play mode)

What/Who am I listening to?
Who is this?
What’s playing?
Who’s playing?
What album is this?

* These commands toggle the function

on and off, so the command may not
match your intended action.

iPod® Commands

Pandora play*1
Pandora on*1
Pandora off*1
Pandora quick mix on
Pandora skip forward
(or next song)
Pandora station up
Pandora station down
Pandora pause*1
Pandora resume*1
Pandora like song
Pandora dislike song
Pandora bookmark song
Pandora bookmark artist
Station list*2

*1. These commands toggle the function

on and off, so the command may not
match your intended action.

*2. These commands are accepted on

the Audio screen only.

Pandora® Commands

Bluetooth audio play
Bluetooth audio skip forward
Bluetooth audio skip back
Bluetooth audio pause
Bluetooth audio resume
Bluetooth audio group up
Bluetooth audio group down

Bluetooth® Audio commands may not
work on some phones or Bluetooth®
audio devices.

AUX play (or Auxiliary play)

Bluetooth® Audio Commands

AUX Commands



2013 ILX