Memory card type selection – ACS ACR38K Smart Keyboard User Manual

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ACR38x (CCID) – Reference Manual

[email protected]

Version 6.04

Page 12 of 58

8.0. Memory Card Type Selection

SELECT_CARD_TYPE command must be executed first before other memory card commands. This

command powers up and down the selected card inserted in the card reader and performs a card

reset. This command can only be used after the logical smart card reader communication has been

established using the SCardConnect() API.
For details of SCardConnect() API, please refer to PC/SC specifications.
For the Memory Card Command Set, please refer to

Section 9.3.

A code snippet for the program flow is given below to demonstrate how to select the memory card

type in ACR38x (CCID):



unsigned long dwActProtocol;


DWORD size = 64, SendLen = 6, RecvLen = 255, retCode;

byte cardType;

//Establish PC/SC Connection

retCode = SCardEstablishContext (SCARD_SCOPE_USER, NULL, NULL, &hContext);

//List all readers in the system

retCode = SCardListReaders (hContext, NULL, readerName, &size);

//Connect to the reader

retCode = SCardConnect(hContext, readerName, SCARD_SHARE_SHARED,

SCARD_PROTOCOL_T0, &hCard, &dwActProtocol);

//Select Card Type

unsigned char SendBuff[] = {0xFF,0xA4,0x00,0x00,0x01,cardType};

retCode = SCardTransmit( hCard, &ioRequest, SendBuff, SendLen, NULL,

RecvBuff, &RecvLen);

//Disconnect from the reader

retCode = SCardDisconnect(hCard, SCARD_UNPOWER_CARD);

//End the established context

retCode = SCardReleaseContext(hContext);