Memory card type selection, By property sheet, By programmatic method – ACS ACR38 SAM Smart Card Reader User Manual

Page 12: Figure 1 : acr38x reader setting property sheet

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ACR38x – Reference Manual

[email protected]

Version 6.02

Page 12 of 40

8.0. Memory Card Type Selection

8.1. By Property Sheet

User could invoke the reader setting property sheet by selecting the

Properties of ACR38 Smart Card

Reader device under the Device Manager.

Figure 1: ACR38x Reader Setting Property Sheet

The ACR38x needs to be removed, and then reconnected to the computer in order for the change to

take effect.

8.2. By Programmatic Method

The card type can also be changed the program run-time using Vendor Specific extension API of

Application programs are required to include the following MACRO in one of the source header file:


Applications should connect to PC/SC using the SCARD_SHARE_DIRECT protocol. After which,

invoke the SCardControl() and use IOCTL_SMARTCARD_SET_CARD_TYPE for the dwControlCode

parameter to inform the driver of new card type. The input buffer will be a LONG variable storing the

desired card type. The return value is either SCARD_S_SUCCESS or a WIN32 Error