Acroprint ARES Express User Manual

Page 9

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Tour Areas:

A Tour is the physical displacement of a guard along a predetermined area, called Tour Area. Parameters used to determine the size of tour areas; tour
duration and the amount of stations each should contain vary according to each user's security requirements. Common assignment procedures are: One
guard per area, one recorder per guard, a maximum of 10 recording stations per area and tour duration periods ranging between 45 to 60 minutes. Our
ARES system is capable of handling function overlapping as long as each guard is assigned only one recorder. This means several guards can tour the
same area within the same shift; different overlapping tour shifts can coexist within one area, or if the need arises, one guard can handle several areas.

Please remember an overworked and fatigued guard will not perform efficiently and his life will be endangered.

Guard displacements along their assigned areas, should not always follow the same timely and orderly tour pattern, to do this is to invite disaster; if done
a professional criminal will be quite able to determine each circuit's sequence and duration.

The use of preprogrammed repetitive tours is definitively not


Shift Initiation (recommended procedure)
All guards before commencing their shifts should identify themselves (Log In) to the system. To Log In, they must first record/touch their

ID Key

with their

assigned recorder and then record/touch the

“START” Button

(button No. 1. of the Booklet key pad).

Shift Termination (recommended procedure)
All guards upon shift termination should Log Out. To accomplish this, they must first record/touch their

ID Key

and then record/touch the



(button No. 3. of the Booklet key pad).