Acclaim Lighting XB-R1 Setup tool User Manual

Page 13

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User’s Manual


(2) 512 Channel Mode:

If you set the Mode as “512 Channel Mode”, the LCD-display will immediately show you as below:

Note: In 512 Mode, user can rotate the multi-selector clockwise or anticlockwise to change the
cursor and channel numbers. And LCD can only show up to 15 channels each time.

(3) Auto Chase Mode:

If you set the Mode as “Auto Chase Mode”, the LCD-display will immediately show you as below:

① To set the Chase Start Channel.
② To set the Chase End Channel.

③ To confirm your set and enter the Auto Chase Mode.

*User can set the chase start/end channel by rotating the multi-selector, and select the above “Confirm”
item and press the multi-selector, LCD will show you like this:

① To confirm DMX sequential channels numbers(1~48) when chasing the intensity output.
② DMX channels is increased by changing jumps(1~48) when chasing. And channel output is

beginning from the DMX start channel.

③ To set up fade time for step(1~200).

④ To adjust the intensity(0~255).

4.4 LCD Backlight

Rotate the multi-selector and select the “LCD Backlight” function mode, then press the multi-selector,
LCD will show you like this:




Setup No Answer


Setup With Answer


DMX Controller


LCD Backlight:xxxx


> DMX Mode Select
Single Channel >
512 Channel >
Auto Chase >

> Channel:[XXX-XXX]
000 000 000 000 000
000 000 000 000 000
000 000 000 000 000

> DMX Mode Select
Single Channel >
512 Channel >
Auto Chase >

> Chase Active Setup
Start Channel:



End Channel:



Confirm >

> Group of LEDs:






Step /50mS:




