Candy GO 1460D-36S User Manual

Page 9

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By pressing this button you
can activate a special new
wash cycle in the Colourfast
and Mixed Fabrics
programs, thanks to the new
Sensor Activa System. This
option treats with care the
fibres of garments and the
delicate skin of those who
wear them.
The load is washed in a
much larger quantity of
water and this, together with
the new combined action
of the drum rotation cycles,
where water is filled and
emptied, will give you
garments which have been
cleaned and rinsed to
perfection. The amount of
water in the wash is
increased so that the
detergent dissolves
perfectly, ensuring an
efficient cleaning action. The
amount of water is also
increased during the rinse
procedure so as to remove
all traces of detergent from
the fibres.
This function has been
specifically designed for
people with delicate and
sensitive skin, for whom even
a very small amount of
detergent can cause
irritation or allergy.
You are advised to also use
this function for children’s
clothing and for delicate
fabrics in general, or when
washing garments made of
towelling, where the fibres
tend to absorb a greater
quantity of detergent.
To ensure the best
performance for your wash,
this function is always
activated on the Delicates
and Woollens/Handwash



S pritiskom na to tipko lahko
aktivirate poseben novi
program, namenjen pranju
barvno obstojnih tkanin in
tkanin iz me‰anice vlaken, ki
deluje na osnovi novega
sistema Sensor Activa. Ta
opcija zagotavlja neÏno
ravnanje s perilom in je
predvsem namenjena
osebam z neÏno in
obãutljivo koÏo, pri katerih bi
lahko tudi najmanj‰e sledi
pralnih sredstev povzroãale
Perilo se opere v veãji
koliãini vode, kar ob novem
kombiniranem uãinkovanju
faz obraãanja bobna med
polnjenjem z vodo in
izãrpavanjem vode
zagotavlja temeljitej‰e
pranje in popolno izpiranje.
V stroj se natoãi veãja
koliãina vode, tako da se
detergent bolje raztopi, kar
zagotavlja ‰e bolj uãinkovito
pranje. Tudi pri izpiranju se v
stroj natoãi veã vode, kar
zagotavlja uãinkovitej‰e
odstranjevanje sledi
detergenta iz perila, kar je
‰e posebej pomembno za
osebe z neÏno in obãutljivo
koÏo, pri katerih bi lahko tudi
najmanj‰e sledi pralnih
sredstev povzroãale alergije.
To funkcijo priporoãamo tudi
za pranje otro‰kih oblaãil in
obãutljivega perila nasploh,
pa tudi za pranje frotirja, saj
ta med pranjem absorbira
veã detergenta.
Da bi zagotovili kar najveãjo
uãinkovitost pranja pa se ta
funkcija vedno aktivira pri
pranju na programih za
obãutljivo perilo in
volno/roãno pranje.





The Wash Temperature button
allows a reduction in the
wash temperature in each
Each time the button is
pressed the temperature
decreases until a minimum of
15°C (cold Wash ).

Note: The temperature must
be adjusted before selecting

This button allows you to pre-
programme the wash cycle
to delay the start of the cycle
for up to 24 hours.
To delay the start use the
following procedure:
Set the required programme.
Press the button once to
activate it (h00 appears on
the display) and then press it
again to set a 1 hour delay
(h01 appears on the display);
the pre-set delay increases
by 1 hour each time the
button is pressed, until h24
appears on the display, at
which point pressing the
button again will reset the
delay start to zero.

Confirm by pressing the
START/PAUSE” button (the
light on the display starts to
flash). The countdown will
begin and when it has
finished the programme will
start automatically.

It is possible to cancel the
delay start by taking the
following action:
Press and hold the button for
5 seconds until the display will
show the settings for the
programme selected.
At this stage it is possible to
start the programme
previously selected by
pressing the “START/PAUSE
button or to cancel the
process by setting the
selector to the OFF position
and then selecting another




Ta tipka omogoãa
zniÏevanje temperature
pranja za posamezne
Ob vsakem pritisku na tipko
se temperatura zniÏa, in
sicer do 15°C (pranje s
hladno vodo ).

Opomba: Temperaturo
morate nastaviti pred
nastavljanjem stopnje
umazanosti perila.


S pomoãjo te tipke lahko
programirate ãasovni zamik
zaãetka programa za najveã
24 ur.
To storite na naslednji naãin:
Izberite ustrezen program.
Enkrat pritisnite na tipko, da
jo aktivirate (na
prikazovalniku se prikaÏe
vrednost h00), nato pa znova
pritisnite na isto tipko, da
nastavite 1-urni zamik (na
prikazovalniku se prikaÏe
vrednost h01). Ob vsakem
pritisku na tipko se vrednost
poveãa za 1 uro. Ko je na
prikazovalniku prikazana
vrednost h24, s ponovnim
pritiskom na tipko prekliãete
ãasovni zamik – spet se
prikaÏe vrednost h00.
Potrdite nastavitev s pritiskom
na tipko “START/PAUSE
(Start/pavza) – luãka v
prikazovalniku zaãne utripati.
Zaãne se od‰tevanje
nastavljenega ãasa; ko ta
poteãe, zaãne stroj
samodejno izvajati program.
âe Ïelite preklicati nastavljeni
ãasovni zamik:
5 sekund pritiskajte na tipko
za nastavljanje ãasovnega
zamika, dokler se na
prikazovalniku ne prikaÏejo
nastavitve izbranega
Zdaj lahko takoj zaÏenete
izbrani program s pritiskom
na tipko “START/PAUSE
(Start/pavza), ali pa
prekliãete postopek izbiranja
z obraãanjem gumba za
izbiranje programov na

poloÏaj “OFF” (Izklopljeno).
Nato lahko izberete drugi