Change sound settings, Change the wallpaper – Asus Nexus 7 User Manual
Page 31
Nexus 7 Guidebook
MAke YouRseLF AT HoMe
• open the event from the Calendar app at any time and touch
Email guests.
• When a notification of the event arrives just before the meet-
ing starts, swipe down the notification shade, spread the event
notification apart with your fingers if necessary, and touch
Email guests.
Change sound settings
Your tablet uses sounds to communicate, including notifications,
alarms, and navigation feedback.
To customize the sounds your tablet makes, go to
Settings >
Device > Sound:
• Volumes sets the master volume separately for music, notifi-
cations, and alarms. You can still use the physical volume con-
trol on the tablet to raise or lower volume of whatever sound
is currently playing.
• Default notification announces the arrival of notifications un-
less you specify a different sound in an individual app.
• Touch sounds give audible feedback when you touch active
icons or buttons on the screen.
• Screen lock sound is triggered when you unlock the screen.
Change the wallpaper
Wallpapers can include images from Gallery, still images includ-
ed with the system, and live images, such as an animation or a
map that centers on your location. They take the place of the de-
fault background for your Home screens.
1. Touch & hold anywhere on a Home screen that’s not occupied.
A list of options appears.