Environment, Declaration of conformity, Aspirateur-souffleur de jardin 0790 introduction – Skil 0790 RA User Manual

Page 8

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- on/off switch defective -> contact dealer/service


- worn carbon brushes -> contact dealer/service station

- defective motor -> contact dealer/service station

- blowing/vacuum tube not completely mounted ->

mount two-part blowing/vacuum tube

★ Tool operates intermittently

- on/off switch defective -> contact dealer/service


- internal wiring defective -> contact dealer/service


- impeller blocked by foreign object -> remove blockage

★ No/low blowing power

- selector switch in vacuuming mode -> set selector

switch in blowing mode

★ No/low vacuuming power

- selector switch in blowing mode -> set selector switch

in vacuuming mode

- collection bag is full/dirty -> empty/clean collection bag

- vacuuming opening clogged up or blocked by foreign

object -> remove blockage


Do not dispose of electric tools, accessories and

packaging together with household waste material

(only for EU countries)

- in observance of European Directive 2002/96/EC on

waste of electric and electronic equipment and its

implementation in accordance with national law,

electric tools that have reached the end of their life

must be collected separately and returned to an

environmentally compatible recycling facility

- symbol & will remind you of this when the need for

disposing occurs


• We declare under our sole responsibility that the product

described under “Technical data” is in conformity with the

following standards or standardization documents: EN

60335, EN 61000, EN 55014 in accordance with the

provisions of the directives 2006/95/EC, 2004/108/EC,

2006/42/EC, 2000/14/EC, 2011/65/EU

Technical file at: SKIL Europe BV (PT-SEU/ENG1),

4825 BD Breda, NL



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• Measured in accordance with EN/ISO 3744 the sound

pressure level of this tool is 77.1 dB(A) and the sound

power level 97.1 dB(A) (standard deviation: 2.2 dB), and

the vibration 7.4 m/s² (hand-arm method; uncertainty

K = 1.5 m/s²)

• Measured in accordance with 2000/14/EC (EN/ISO

3744) the guaranteed sound power level LWA is lower

than 100 dB(A) (conformity assessment procedure

according to Annex V)

• The vibration emission level has been measured in

accordance with a standardised test given in EN/ISO

5349; it may be used to compare one tool with another

and as a preliminary assessment of exposure to vibration

when using the tool for the applications mentioned

- using the tool for different applications, or with different

or poorly maintained accessories, may significantly

increase the exposure level

- the times when the tool is switched off or when it is

running but not actually doing the job, may significantly

reduce the exposure level

! protect yourself against the effects of vibration

by maintaining the tool and its accessories,

keeping your hands warm, and organizing your

work patterns

Aspirateur-souffleur de jardin



• Cet outil a été conçu pour souffler/rassembler et aspirer/

broyer les feuilles sèches et autres déchets secs de

jardinage, notamment l’herbe et les branches

• Cet outil est uniquement destiné à un usage domestique

et n’est pas conçu pour être utilisé dans des lieux


• Cet outil n’est conçu pour un usage professionnel

• Lisez attentivement ce manuel d’instruction avant

d’utiliser l’outil et conservez-le pour pouvoir vous y

référer ultérieurement 3

• Prêtez attention aux consignes de sécurité et aux

avertissements; ne pas suivre ces instructions peut

entraîner des graves blessures

• Vérifiez que le conditionnement contient toutes les

pièces présentées dans le schéma 2

• Lorsque des pièces manquent ou sont endommagées,

veuillez contacter votre distributeur


A Tube inférieur de soufflage/d’aspiration

B Tube supérieur de soufflage/d’aspiration

C Bac récolteur

D Bretelle

E Dispositif d’immobilisation du cordon d’alimentation

F Interrupteur marche/arrêt

G Commutateur pour sélectionner le mode de


H Roues d’appui

J Fentes de ventilation

K Poignée principale

L Poignée de guide

M Vis de fixation (4)

N Ouverture d’aspiration