Maintenance – Skil 0520 AA User Manual

Page 6

background image

- use a target surface of at least 3 x 3 m, when

measuring long distances (12 - 15 m)

- ensure that no other ultrasonic sources are in the


- when measuring through door en window openings,

ensure a correct result by measuring from two or
three different positions and compare the results

- the ultrasonic waves do not penetrate glass/windows
- in case of severe temperature changes, allow the tool

to adjust to the ambient temperature for half an hour
before starting new measurements

- fluctuations in air pressure and humidity, wind noise

and other sources of noise may lead to faulty

Single measurement


- press button F


- aim the tool towards the target surface
- press "Read" button; measurement appears on top

line of display

- measurement is repeated continuously until "Read"

button is released (ticking sound)

- each new single measurement erases the previous


Multiple measurement


- press button H


- aim the tool towards the first target surface
- press "Read" button; first measurement appears on

top line of display

- aim the tool towards the second target surface
- press "Read" button; second measurement appears

on top line of display (small figure 2 appears in upper
right corner of display and sum of two measurements
appears on bottom line of display)

- in the multiple measuring mode a maximum of

10 measurements can be added

- the small figure in upper right corner of display

indicates the measurement number (1 - 10)

- press button H


again for starting a completely new

multiple measurement

Surface measurement


- press button G



- aim the tool towards the first target surface (length)
- press "Read" button; measured length appears on top

line of display

- aim the tool towards the second target surface


- press "Read" button again; measured width appears

on top line of display while calculated surface
appears on bottom line of display

- press button G


twice for starting a completely new

surface measurement

Volume measurement


- press button G



- aim the tool towards the first target surface (length)
- press "Read" button; measured length appears on top

line of display

- aim the tool towards the second target surface


- press "Read" button again; measured width appears

on top line of display while calculated surface
appears on bottom line of display

- aim the tool towards the third target surface (height)
- press "Read" button again; measured height appears

on top line of display while calculated volume appears
on bottom line of display

- press button G


twice for starting a completely new

volume measurement

Recall of previous measurements
Press "Recall" button for reviewing previous
measurements, starting with the last measured distance
(10 at the maximum)

Correction of multiple measurement
- press "Recall" button; last measurement and

corresponding small figure starts to blink

- press "Recall" more often until measurement to be

corrected is found

- press "Clear" button; measurement is replaced by 0

and sum of remaining values appears on bottom line
of display

- aim the tool towards target surface for new


- press "Read" button; new measurement replaces 0

and new value is added to the sum

- for continuing multiple measurement, press "Read"

button again and small figure jumps to next empty
memory place

- corrections are possible for 10 previous

measurements at the maximum

Correction of surface/volume measurement
- press "Recall" button; last measurement and

corresponding line of length/width/height starts to

- press "Recall" more often until measurement to be

corrected is found

- press "Clear" button; measurement is replaced by 0

and recalculated value appears on bottom line of

- aim the tool towards target surface for new


- press "Read" button; new measurement replaces 0

and value on bottom line of display is recalculated

- press "Read" button again for continuing

surface/volume measurement

Faulty measurement
- when the measurement is unsuccessful, symbol


appears on display

- press "Read" button or restart the tool

Belt bag for easy and convenient storage



Do not expose the tool to continuous vibration or
extremely hot or cold temperatures

Always store the tool indoors in its protective

Always keep the tool free of dust, moisture and direct


SKIL_IB0520v2 07-01-2009 14:34 Pagina 6