Deutsch, Warnings, Consumer warranty – ResMed Mirage Swift II User Manual

Page 19: Clinical information, Deutsch verwendungszweck, Verwendung der maske

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Humidity limitation;

Does not contain latex;


Keep away from rain;

This way up;

 Fragile, handle with care.


• The vent holes must be kept clear.

• A mask should not be used unless the device is turned on. Once the mask is

fi tted, ensure the device is blowing air.

• Follow all precautions when using supplemental oxygen.

• Oxygen fl ow must be turned off when the PAP device is not operating so

that unused oxygen does not accumulate within the device enclosure and
create a risk of fi re.

• At a fi xed fl ow rate of supplemental oxygen fl ow, the inhaled oxygen

concentration varies depending on the pressure settings, user breathing
pattern, mask, point of application and leak rate.

• If any visible deterioration of a mask component is apparent (cracking, tears,

etc), the mask component should be discarded and replaced.

• Avoid connecting fl exible PVC products (eg, PVC tubing) directly to any part

of the mask. Flexible PVC contains elements that can be detrimental to the
materials of the mask, and may cause the components to crack or break.

• Do not use aromatic-based solutions or scented oils (eg, eucalyptus or

essential oils), bleach, alcohol or products that smell strongly (eg, citrus) to
clean any of the mask components. Residual vapours from these solutions
can be inhaled and may also damage the mask, causing cracks.

• Your physician or sleep therapist is responsible for ensuring that the mask

is compatible with the device. If used outside specifi cation or if used with
incompatible devices, the seal and comfort of the mask may not be eff ective
and optimum therapy may not be achieved.

• Do not combine components from diff erent mask systems.

• Discontinue using the mask and consult your physician or sleep therapist if

you have ANY adverse reaction.

• Using a mask may cause tooth, gum or jaw soreness or aggravate an

existing dental condition. If symptoms occur, consult your physician or

• As with all masks, some rebreathing may occur at low CPAP pressures.

• Refer to your CPAP or bilevel device manual for details on its settings and

operational information.

• This mask should be disinfected and/or sterilised when used between users.

• Remove all packaging before using the mask.

Consumer Warranty

ResMed acknowledges all consumer rights granted under the EU Directive
1999/44/EG and the respective national laws within the EU for products sold
within the European Union.

Clinical Information

The mask contains passive venting to protect against rebreathing.
Technical specifi cations, cleaning, disinfection and sterilisation instructions are
available in the mask specifi c user guide on on the Products
page under Service & Support.



Die Maske führt dem Benutzer Luft von einem PAP-Gerät wie z. B. einem CPAP-
oder Bilevel-Gerät auf nicht-invasive Weise zu.
Die Maske ist für:

• Erwachsene (> 30 kg), denen positiver Atemwegsdruck verschrieben wurde,


• für den wiederholten Gebrauch durch einen einzelnen Patienten zu Hause

sowie durch mehrere Patienten im Krankenhaus oder in der Schlafklinik

Verwendung der Maske

• Die Maskeneinstelloptionen fi nden Sie in dieser Gebrauchsanweisung im

Abschnitt „Technische Daten“.

• Befolgen Sie die Anweisungen Ihres Arztes oder Schlaftherapeuten.

• Befolgen Sie zum Anlegen Ihrer Maske die Anweisungen im Abschnitt


• Ziehen Sie die Kopfbänder nicht zu fest an. Bei Leckagen müssen Sie eventuell: