Edimax Technology EW-7722UTn User Manual
Page 24

4. Please ask the owner of the wireless access point you want to connect, and input the
correct key here and then click ‘OK’. By checking ‘Show Password’ box, the encryption
key you inputted here will be displayed.
If the value you inputted here is wrong, you will not be able to connect to this wireless
access point.
Authentication type will be selected by the authentication type of the
access point automatically, please don’t change it.
However, if you’re connecting to an access point uses 802.1x authentication, you have
to check ‘802.1x’ box and input related information. Instructions for 802.1x
authentication will be given later.
5. If the wireless access point is successfully connected, you’ll see a
symbol appears
in front of the name of wireless device.
You can put the mouse cursor over the Edimax configuration utility icon, and the brief
information about link status and signal strength of current wireless connection will be
shown as a popup balloon.
You can also click More / Less button (
) to see detailed information
of connected access point: