Edimax Technology IC-1510Wg User Manual
Page 61

You may specify a SSID for the card and then only the device
with the same SSID can interconnect to the card. If you want to
add one of the networks nearby to the profile list, pull down the
menu, all the networks nearby will be listed and you can add one
of them to the profile list.
This setting is only available for Ad Hoc mode. Select the number
of the radio channel used for the networking. The channel setting
should be the same with the network you are connecting to.
Basic Rate
The camera will force to the data rate that you selected to
transmit data.
Authentication and
Encryption Type
Choose the authentication type you want to use.
“None” means that you don’t want any encryption for wireless.
“Open System” means that you can use WEP for encryption or
not to encryption. When you select “Shared Key”, you must use
WEP for encryption. The last option is “WPA-PSK”. When you
select this authentication type, you can encryption your wireless
WPA Pre-Shared Key
The WPA-PSK key can be from 8 to 64 characters and can be
letters or numbers. This same key must be used on all of the
wireless stations in the network.
WEP Key Length
You may select 64-bit or 128-bit to encrypt transmitted data.
Larger key length will provide higher level of security, but the
throughput will be lower.
WEP Key Format
Hexdecimal – Only “A-F“, “a-f“ and “0-9“ are allowed to be set as
WEP key.
ASCII – Numerical values, characters or signs are allowed to be
WEP key. It is more recognizable for user.
Default Key
Select one of the keys (1~4) as the encryption key.
Key1 ~ Key4
The WEP keys are used to encrypt data transmitted in the