Edimax Technology 3G-6408n User Manual
Page 97

You can input any text here as the comment of this
MAC address, like ‘ROOM 2A Computer’ or anything.
You can input up to 16 alphanumerical characters
here. This is optional and you can leave it blank,
however, it’s recommended to use this field to write a
comment for every MAC addresses as a memory aid.
Click ‘Add’ button to add the MAC address and
associated comment to the MAC address filtering
Remove all inputted values.
All MAC address entries will be listed in this page:
To delete one or more entries listed here, please check the box of the mapping entry
(under ‘Select’), and click ‘Delete Selected’ button.
If you wish to delete all mapping entries, click ‘Delete All’ button. To deselect all
checked boxes, click ‘Reset’ button.
You can restrict computers in the network from accessing specified websites or from
using specified applications with access control.
If you wish to use IP address-based filtering, please use ‘IP Filtering Table’ in this page:
Please check ‘Enable IP Filtering Table’ box first, and select ‘Deny’ or ‘Allow’ to decide
the behavior of IP filtering table (Deny the access of IP addresses in the list, or allow the
access of IP addresses in the list). You have to click ‘Add PC’ button to add a new IP address
to the list: