Festool CMS-OF User Manual
Page 16

router bit [23].
This will prevent the ball bearing guide from
turning during work and from leaving burn
marks on the workpiece.
• Tighten the screw [22-5].
Dust extraction
Breathing in dust can damage the respiratory
• When processing materials that generate ha-
zardous dust (e.g. wood), connect the machine
to a suitable dust extractor.
• When performing work that generates dust,
always wear a dust mask.
For simultaneous extraction at the router and the
router stop or curved guard, acquire the extrac-
tor set (488292) and connect the 27 mm extractor
hose to the router and the 36 mm extractor hose to
the extractor connector on the router stop [13-2]
or the curved guard [22-3].
Changing the routing tool
OF 1010 and 1400
Change the routing tool under the module mount-
ing as described in the operating manual accom-
panying your router. Crank the routing tool all the
way down as described in Chapter 7.7.
OF 2200
Change the routing tool above the module mount-
ing as described in the operating manual accom-
panying your router. Crank the routing tool all the
way up as described in Chapter 7.7.
Adjusting the routing tool height
The height adjuster on the machine must be
unlocked before the routing tool height can be
• Insert the crank handle [1-8] in the hole [12-3]
on the module mounting.
• Turn the crank handle to set the desired routing
depth. The distance between each line on the
dial ring is 0.1 mm - one full turn of the ring
represents 4 mm.
You can also attach the crank handle to the bot-
tom of the height adjuster.
Before adjusting the settings on the router
(speed, cutting depth, tool change, etc.), refer
to the specifi cations in the operating manual
accompanying your router.
8 Operation
Risk of accident - before starting work, make
sure that
• any adjustments are made correctly;
• the router stop with the press-down fi xture or
the curved guard is set correctly;
• all screws and rotary knobs are screwed in
Electrical connection, operation
• Insert the plug on the router connecting cable
into the socket [24-4] on the CMS-GE/Basis-
• Connect the plug on the CMS-GE/Basis-Plus
connecting cable [24-3] to the mains power
Switch on and off
The press button is equipped with a zero voltage
release which ensures that after a power inter-
ruption, the electric drive will not start up again
until the ON button is pressed.
= green button [24-2]
= red button [24-1]
Observe the following instructions when rout-
Always work with care. Read all safety instruc-
tions for the router, basic unit CMS-GE and
module mounting CMS-OF 1010/1400/2200.
Select a cutting depth and feed speed that will
not overload the router.
Always guide in the workpiece at a steady rate
of advance.
Always work in a counter direction (direction
of advance against the rotation direction of the
routing tool).
Always guide the workpiece with both hands.
Use a workpiece holder when machining narrow
For your own safety, use only original Festool ac-
cessories and spare parts. The accessory and tool
order number can be found in the Festool catalo-
gue or on the Internet under “www.festool.com”.
Customer service and repair. Only
through manufacturer or service work-
shops: Please fi nd the nearest address
at: www.festool.com/Service