Uniplex SPD 32.83.01 User Manual
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Uniplex™ Business Software for ULTRIX
SPD 32.83.01
on RISC, Version 7.00c
Uniplex II Plus
Uniplex II Plus User Guide (2 volumes)
Uniplex Administration Guide
Release/Installation Notes
Quick Lookup Guide
Uniplex Configuration Guide (2 volumes)
— Keyboard Templates for VT2xx, VT3xx terminals
Uniplex Advanced Office System
Advanced Office System User Guide
Uniplex Advanced Graphics System
Advanced Graphics System User Guide
Documentation can be purchased separately.
Only customers experienced with system management
of UNIX or ULTRIX systems should attempt installation
of these products. Digital recommends that all other
customers purchase Digital’s Installation Services.
DECstation or DECsystem configurations as specified
in the System Support Addendum (SSA 32.83.01-x).
For Systems Using Terminals:
ULTRIX Operating System
For Workstations:
ULTRIX Workstation Software (UWS)
Refer to the System Support Addendum (SSA
32.83.01-x) for availability and required versions of
prerequisite/optional software.
Uniplex II Plus, Uniplex Advanced Office System (AOS)
and Uniplex Advanced Graphics System (AGS) are li-
censed by the number of users. Documentation and
media are included with each kit. The quantity of key-
board templates included in each Uniplex II Plus kit is
dependent upon the user-license ordered, up to a max-
imum of 64 templates. Additional keyboard templates
can be ordered in conjunction with the
Uniplex Look-up
Guide 4 Pack (QA-***AE-GZ).
If Uniplex Advanced Office System (AOS) or Uniplex
Advanced Graphics System (AGS) are to be a com-
panion product with Uniplex II Plus, a license must be
purchased equivalent to the same number of users as
the Uniplex II Plus product.
Uniplex Business Software applications require the en-
try of a security key for both the initial installation and
subsequent user-tier upgrades. Upgrades do not re-
quire the reinstallation of the product, but simply the key-
ing in of a new, unique security key for each application
being upgraded. All Uniplex Business Software appli-
cations must be upgraded to the same user-tier level.
Denotes variant fields. For additional information on
available licenses, services, and media, refer to the
appropriate price book.
User Upgrade Options
To upgrade a Uniplex Business Software application, for
example, from 4-users to 32-users, all intermediate li-
censes must be purchased (i.e., purchase the 4-8 user,
8-16 user and 16-32 user licenses).
This procedure
must be followed precisely, otherwise, the upgrade will
not function properly. All Uniplex Business Software ap-
plications must be upgraded to the same user-tier level.
Refer to the Software Options Chart at the end of this
document for option numbers for Uniplex Business Soft-
This software is furnished under the licensing provisions
of Digital Equipment Corporation’s Standard Terms and
Conditions. For more information about Digital’s licens-
ing terms and policies, contact your local Digital office.
A variety of service options are available from Digital.
For more information, contact your local Digital office.
Warranty for these software products is provided by Dig-
ital with the purchase of a license for the products as de-
fined in the Software Warranty Addendum of this SPD.
Uniplex is a trademark of Uniplex Limited.
PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems,
UNIX is a trademark of UNIX System Laboratories, Inc.
LOTUS is a registered trademark of Lotus Develop-
ment Corporation.