Uniplex SPD 32.83.01 User Manual
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Uniplex™ Business Software for ULTRIX
SPD 32.83.01
on RISC, Version 7.00c
Card index
Report writer.
Electronic Mail
Uniplex Electronic Mail is an object-oriented mail facility
that allows any type of Uniplex file, ranging from reports
and memos to spreadsheets and complex graphics, to
be mailed. Additional mail features include:
Comprehensive reply/forward/archive/delete/save and
print facilities
Multiple attachments
Carbon copy/blind copy
Receipt and mail read verification
Distribution lists and aliasing
Mail prioritization
Automatic forward, reply and notifications
Mail encryption
Batch operations
Uniplex mail can work with any underlying mail system.
However, by default, it uses standard UNIX mail. With
the addition of DECnet-ULTRIX, Uniplex can exchange
mail with VMS and ALL-IN-1 users. Layering ULTRIX
Mail Connection on this allows Uniplex to take full ad-
vantage of Digital’s NAS facilities via the Mailbus.
Report Writer
The Report Writer provides flexible report creation from
any source. Reports allow data calculations, full control
breaks, repeating data for periodic reports, and step-by-
step guidance for report creation.
Personal Organizer
The Personal Organizer of AOS provides a flexible
time manager, calendar and calculator. Calendars can
be viewed monthly, or biweekly with both private and
shared diaries. Alarm reminders, appointment conflict
warnings, time bookings for multiple events and printing
of schedules are some of the scheduling features.
Time Manager
The Time Manager allows users to create one or more
personal calendars which display scheduled and open
times. Calendars can be made available to other users
to make appointment scheduling easier. Calendars can
be organized in day or week formats and printed in reg-
ular letter or handy wallet sizes.
Formfill allows users to create, or generate from a doc-
ument, routine forms such as purchase orders, expense
reports, or invoices. Forms can then be completed on-
screen. Forms can be printed or distributed using Uni-
plex mail.
Card Index
The Uniplex Card Index can be used to keep track of
information such as customer names and addresses
when the power of a full relational database is not re-
quired. Fixed fields can be established to simplify Card
Index data entry and retrieval. Up to 17 custom fields
can be created, displayed and sorted.
Uniplex Advanced Graphics
Presentation Graphics
The Uniplex Advanced Graphics (AGS) option, like
AOS, is a companion product to Uniplex II Plus. AGS
provides additional graphic features and functions which
allow the creation of presentation quality graphics. With
AGS, users can create a range of graphics, from sim-
ple bar graphs to sophisticated 3-D area charts and ex-
ploded pie graphs. Fonts can be changed, text size
altered and colors selected. AGS also provides flexi-
ble hardcopy capabilities and support for many printers
including PostScript models.
Presentation Editor
The Uniplex Presentation editor provides additional
tools to allow more extensive editing of graphics. Using
the keyboard, standard graphs produced with Presenta-
tion Graphics can be translated into illustrations and di-
agrams. Presentation Editor enables objects or groups
of objects to be scaled, rotated and copied. A zoom
facility allows users to add fine detail to illustrations.
Additional Dictionary Pack
The Additional Dictionary Pack (ADP) provides sup-
port for multiple dictionaries which enables users to
spellcheck documents containing words in various lan-
guages. This facility is useful to multinational corpora-
tions, government bodies and users in countries where
more than one language is commonly in use.
ADP contains 11 languages: US English, UK English,
French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Swedish,
Danish, Norwegian, and Canadian French.
Uniplex Documentation
The following documentation is included with the Uni-
plex Business Software applications: