Xantrex Technology SW5548 User Manual

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©2000 Xantrex Technology Inc.

Menu Maps

The USER and SETUP menu have been updated to reflect the new software revision as follows:

Page 34–USER MENU. The software revision shown under menu heading “TRACE

ENGINEERING 3”, menu item “REVISION 4.01” is changed to “REVISION 4.10

An information file has been added to menu heading 11 and reads: “IN SELL MODE AC1


Menu System

Page 39–“TRACE ENGINEERING (3)” menu heading. The software revision has been updated

from “4.01” to “4.10

Page 48–The “SET MAX CHARGE AMPS AC” menu item, the range has been changed from

“01 to 35 amps” to “01 to 40 amps” for the SW5548 model.

Page 54–“BATTERY SELLING (17)” menu heading. The “SET MAX SELL AMPS AC” range has

been changed from “01 to 35 amps” to “01 to 50 amps” for SW5548 model.


Page 61– The following paragraph should be added to the UTILITY INTER-ACTIVE MODE

bulleted item: “To meet agency approvals, SELL mode will sell power only between the locked

106–132 volts AC range and 59.3–60.5 Hz range windows (120 VAC/60 Hz models only).”

Page 83–When in SELL mode, the SET INPUT LOWER LIMIT VAC is locked at 106 VAC and

sells power only when the AC output of the inverter is between 88 to 110% of nominal AC line


Display Deletions

The following menu display items have been deleted for various reasons unrelated to UL


Under the “ERROR CAUSES 5” menu heading, menu item “INVERTER BREAKER TRIPPED”

has been deleted.

Under the “GENERATOR MODE 2” menu heading, menu item “GEN MAX RUN TIME ERROR”

has been deleted.

Under the “GENERATOR MODE 2” menu heading, all references to the GEN MAX RUN TIMER

have been deleted (i.e., “IF GEN RUNS FOR MORE THAN MAX RUN TIME THEN ERROR”).

Under “GEN AUTO START SETUP 12” menu heading, all references to the GEN MAX RUN

TIMER have been deleted (i.e., “SET MAXIMUM RUN TIME H:M 08:00” and “SET MAX RUN TIME


Utility Interactive Mode Islanding Protection Compliance

Trace™ SW inverters are capable of utility interactive operation, which includes utility protection

features to prevent injury and damage from occurring when power is sold to the utility grid. These

protective systems utilize high-speed microprocessor hardware and software to detect the abnormal

conditions and disconnect the inverter from the utility grid.

The UL1741 standard requires specific responses by the inverter to abnormal voltage and

frequency conditions. The following summarizes the voltage and frequency levels and the response

time period required, plus other features required by the UL1741 standard.



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