Yamaha CLP-555 User Manual
Page 5

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F5: Metronome Functions ........................... 27
F5.1: Beat .................................................. 27
F5.2: Volume .............................................. 27
F6: Left Pedal Mode ..................................... 27
F7: Piano Song Part Cancel Volume ........... 27
F8: MIDI Functions ....................................... 28
A Brief Introduction to MIDI ..................... 28
F8.1: MIDI Transmit Channel Selection ...... 28
F8.2: MIDI Receive Channel Selection ...... 28
F8.3: Local Control ON/OFF ...................... 29
F8.4: Program Change ON/OFF ................ 29
F8.5: Control Change ON/OFF .................. 30
F8.6: MIDI Transmit Transpose ................... 30
F8.7: Panel/Status Transmit ....................... 30
F8.8: Bulk Data Dump ................................ 30
F9: Backup Functions ................................. 31
F9.1: Voice ................................................. 31
F9.2: MIDI .................................................. 31
F9.3: Tuning ............................................... 31
F9.4: Pedal ................................................. 31
Connecting to a Personal Computer
.................. 32
Connecting to an Apple Macintosh Series
Computer ................................................. 32
Connecting to an IBM-PC/AT Series
Computer ................................................. 33
Connecting to an NEC PC-9801/9821
Series Computer ..................................... 33
Troubleshooting ..................................................... 34
Factory Preset Recall ............................................. 34
Options & Expander Modules ............................... 34
MIDI Data Format .................................................... 35
MIDI Implementation Chart ................................... 39
Keyboard Stand Assembly .................................... 40
Demo Song List ...................................................... 48
Default Setting List ................................................ 48
Specifications ......................................................... 49
...................................................................... 17
Tuning Up ................................................ 17
Tuning Down ............................................ 17
To Restore Standard Pitch ...................... 17
The Metronome & Tempo Control
...................... 18
The Metronome ............................................ 18
Metronome Volume ................................. 18
Other Metronome Functions ................... 18
Tempo Control .............................................. 18
Using the Recorder
............................................... 19
Recording ..................................................... 19
Changing the Initial Settings ................... 20
Erasing a Single Track ............................. 20
Playback ....................................................... 21
Synchro Start .......................................... 21
Left Pedal Start/Stop ............................... 21
The Function Mode
............................................... 22
To Select a Function … ........................... 22
F1: Tuning ..................................................... 23
F2: Scale ....................................................... 23
F3: Dual Mode Functions ............................ 24
F3.1: Dual Balance .................................... 24
F3.2: Dual Detune ...................................... 24
F3.3: 1st Voice Octave Shift ....................... 24
F3.4: 2nd Voice Octave Shift ...................... 24
F3.5: 1st Voice Effect Depth ....................... 25
F3.6: 2nd Voice Effect Depth ...................... 25
F3.7: Slow-attack Strings ........................... 25
F3.8: Reset ................................................ 25
F4: Split Mode Functions ............................ 25
F4.1: Split Point .......................................... 25
F4.2: Split Balance ..................................... 26
F4.3: Right Voice Octave Shift ................... 26
F4.4: Left Voice Octave Shift ...................... 26
F4.5: Right Voice Effect Depth ................... 26
F4.6: Left Voice Effect Depth ...................... 26
F4.7: Damper Mode ................................... 26
F4.8: Reset ................................................ 26